Wednesday, April 30, 2014

 This New England weather is really bringing me down. Mother nature hasn't really decided yet if she wants it to be spring, or if she wants to curse us with an eternal winter.I guess thats what you get for voluntarily living here.... in other news I officially committed to working at Young's Bike shop this summer on Nantucket! I start June 2nd! Cece and I are leaving for the island May 23 and I yet to start packing.I can't believe we leave that soon.
Well wish me luck

Monday, April 28, 2014

I guess you could say I'm a "Lifer"

So tell me about you?

In every application/ Interview/ Website sign up/whatever or what have you, they always ask an "About you" type question
 Well I don't really know about me. And in 144 characters or less I really couldn't tell you. If I took a gander, I would say I am a musician, a "student" if that counts, a daughter....but really I'm a "lifer."Somebody who lets life take them where its meant to go.
My dad use to say if he could define his life in one phrase it would be "Pura Vida." A Costa Rican phrase that means Pure Life. For the past ten years my dad has said a big F*** you to the corporate world and has done well,what ever the hell he has wants to do. In the past ten years, my dad has ran the Boston marathon and the dominated in the Marine Corps Marathon, built hundreds of houses for Habitat for Humanity, Went back to college, Learned a whole new trade, Explored and surfed Costa Rica and Renovated two "green" houses. 

My dad has friends all over the world. Every city we go to all around the world my dad has had a story of your mothers cousins aunts friends new business idea  or mets an incredibly hipster chick on the sidewalk who is really into poetry … Even though my dad and I have chosen to go our separate ways. My dad is an extraordinary human being.  Fifty percent of the time my dad is the cool dad. He is the smartest man I have ever met in my entire life which also makes him the most annoying man because hes always right and you cant argue cause he just knows everything.Like any little girl, growing up, my dad was "God".I had the "cool dad." He wasn't around, so I could make him out to be any way I wanted.  Because no little girl wants to hate their daddy.

 In a lot of ways my dad has gifted me with a very special childhood.From his backyard tie dye parties to his unnecessarily big blue pick up truck, my dad did a pretty good job when he could. Like come on I had hippy parents. I still do. Look at my mom she a freaking fruit loop. (JK mom, you're super cute <3)

He taught me a very good life lesson in my unconventional childhood. 
He showed me that no matter what life threw at you; no matter how bad it got; it would be okay. He taught me to trust my decisions. He taught me to take the unconventional route. Though our relationship isn't what it used to be or even how I wished it would be. In a way I admire his choice; even though in a thousand words or less I could tell you otherwise, He showed me the right way of life.

 I love that part of my dad, just by being him he could change someone's outlook on life; The special part of him whose pure motto in life is to solely live it happily. 
So I guess in 144 characters or less I couldn't really define myself as well as my dad could.But I'm working on it. I'm getting there, it took me a while to start to listen but now I am.I guess you could say, I'm on my way to becoming a "Lifer"

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lets talk about Love....

“According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”


I love Greek mythology. I love Greek mythology because it gives life and meanign to things we can't explain. Plato's story of two people forced to wander the stars looking for each other has an ability to capture that feeling of lost love.
I think it captures the essence of loneliness.
In my mind, lately, I have felt lost. Due to my recent roller-coaster of a relationship; Maybe I just can't imagine someone being able to love me unconditionally. Or has love become, like this story, a myth? Is there even a point in trying? Is there really? To be able to fully give yourself over to someone and let them see every part of you; is it really worth the heart break in the end? Because it seems to me that it all ends in heartbreak;
 I distinctly remember the feeling of realizing the person you love no longer love you back. “I never loved you…This was all a mistake” Those words replay in my head every time I start to feel okay again. I’m not some huge wreck who can’t leave her house, but I am in a stage where I don't know really know what to do anymore. I feel extremely lost. I gave up a large part of my life for someone and look where it got me? It feels like it was all a dream; like it was another life.  
I would never wish that feeling upon anyone. No one deserves to feel like that; to feel that love is just a distant dream that can never be achieved; at such a young age, empty and broken. I look around at the relationships that surround me today and I cannot even begin to understand how they work. I look at my best friends falling in love and I can't help but want to scream at them "None this is real!”
 Because to me right now; it’s not. 
I’m not in any place to want to love somebody right now. That just were I am right now. I feel very stuck. It has taken me a long time to be okay with that. For the first time in a long time I am okay with being alone. Sometimes you need to be alone for a while to be able to find yourself again. Plato said that “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet." That’s what I am doing right now.
 I am trying to sing a song again.

Friday, April 4, 2014

10 Things I love about my Mom

1. She "Hip" and knows the "Lingo"

2. She works her ass off

3. That she thinks this video is the funniest thing on the internet

4. She can and will fall asleep anywhere

 5.Shes a Hot mom

6. Her sense of humor 

7.Her selfie game is on point

8. She's a pint sized Mini Mom

9.She married the greatest man, and the best stepdad in the world.

10.She tolerates us

Love you Mom.

Happy Birthday <3