Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It's been a Long Day


It was a Tuesday. I remember that because I was supposed to work on Tuesday because my boyfriend at the time Ryan had work. I had just gotten an amazing job working in a bridal store in Belmont. In my mind, I was leaving for Berklee in the fall and  I had to learn the guitar, master the piano, buys microphones and textbooks and pay fees and learn music and make recordings and forget everything else. That would be my life, and I was okay with that. Growing up, it was eat sleep breath music and chorus. I was so use to it; i never really gave any thought to anything else. Why did I have to, I was talented and loved it.

On November 23 2013, I was admitted into Children’s hospital in Boston for depression and anxiety. It was decided that on the following monday I would be admitted to an outside facility.

"Wait what... I’m not suicidal...I don't want to die...what are you talking about?" That’s what I kept saying to the doctors. That I was "fine." 

I wasn't fine. I was skipping classes, disappearing for hours at a time and i gave up my music. I quit everything. I quit jazz, chorus and I quit my amazing vocal teacher. I thought I had this amazing new life; This boyfriend and amazing new friends, it was a lot easier to start over somewhere else then to stay and face the consequences. I ran away. I abandon the four most special girls i have ever met and I destroyed my relationship with my family. I accepted that I was the family disappointment and did everything to keep that reputation. 

I did it all, getting arrested, drinking, staying out all night, pretending to not give a shit. Yeah, I’m the queen of pretending not to give a shit; I’ve gotten pretty good at it. It’s kind of scary how little I really care about anything. I felt untouchable to everybody and everything. To me, I was on top of the world. 

I told three people what had happen to me, my boyfriend, my best friend and my "gay" best friend* i.e. guy whose secretly in love with you but you have friend zoned* Their reactions were enough to know to keep this secret to myself. By the time this had all happened, I had been to probably been to one full day of classes all year, not including the first day.And going back to regular school seemed like the scariest thing in the world.Trust me, you don't want to be that kid who just randomly shows up one day. There were a lot of questions i wasnt ready to answer and a lot of people wanting to know what was up. Everyday i would validate in my head why it was okay to skip school. It wasn't just like one day here and there; it was full weeks at a time. It was just bad I can’t even put it into words. 

The Monday after I was in Children’s, I was sent to Bournewood facility in Brighton Massachusetts. I was there for two weeks.My first mistake was thinking i didn’t belong there, in my mind, I wasn’t really sick... yea i sometimes couldn't leave my house for a few days but it was fine. I wasn’t cutting like the other girls, just purging, and i could stop whenever i wanted to. I was normal.
"Like fuck you telling me that there’s something wrong with me. I'm fine." 
I left Bourne wood after two weeks and  only took 14 days for me to slip back into my own patterns. Just as long as I had been in Bourne wood. 

I wasn't fixed after Bourne wood; I was quite far from it actually. I didn't care what had happened. I didn't have time to deal with that. I had a boyfriend and friends’ in another town i had to worry about. I seriously didn’t have time to deal with all this bullshit. I was completely over it and didn't really want to acknowledge what was going on. So I did what I had always done and just started going through the motions.

"Yes mom, i have been eating"

"Yes mom, I did go to class today"

I was a liar and a cheater, I didn’t really care who I hurt.

And trust me.... I hurt everybody.

I was diagnosed with an Bulimia nervosa  in January 2014.I don’t really remember the date because I don’t really remember much of anything. Let me put it this way, it feel like i fell asleep when i was 12 and woke up when i was 18.The past five years, to me, are a blur.

It wasn’t until February that I actually started to take my recovery seriously. On February 7th 2014 I was rushed to the hospital for having such low potassium levels I was at risk of having a heart attack at any moment. Imagine that phone call, 17 years old being told you could have a heart attack, on top of that my boyfriend of almost a year had just broken up with me hours earlier.It was a fantastic day.

At this point I felt like I kind of deserved it though. I was mean; I held all this hate in my heart for no reason. My eating disorder will never be an excuse for the way I have acted in the past year. I deserved to lose friends and to not graduate on time. I chose to do all those things. No one forced me to stop eating, no one forced me to stick my finger down my throat, no one forced me to stay home from school, but i also didn’t ask for all the rest of it. But those stories are for a different day.

I didn’t explain why or how my ED was developed, just when, how’s not really important.  

To most people, saying you have an eating disorder has become this "social trend." 1 in 10 men and women in the United States suffer or have suffered from an eating disorder. Only 35% get treatment.  Bulimia nervosa is a serious disease and should not be taken lightley. If you or anyone have had any premature signs of an eating disorder please tell a loved one, its better to get help now then think you can fix it on your own. Its an addiction and should be treated as such. 

I fell in love, got my heartbroken, got arrested, almost failed out of high school and single handily drove my mother to insanity.

I’m not saying I’m 100% again because I really couldn’t tell you what that feels like. But I’m doing okay. I really am. It been the hardest year of my life and now that it’s coming to a close I can’t wait to start fresh on Nantucket and leave all this recovery nonsense behind me once and for all. 

I take Zoloft everyday now for my depression and anxiety and I have an amazing team of doctors and (obviously) the best mom to help me balance out and get me through my recovery. 

You can choose to believe my stories or you cannot.

 But let me just ask you.....

How would you feel if you were me?

My eating disorder has been a secret that I have held onto for the past 5 years to protect myself against other people opinions. Having an eating disorder didn't make me strong. My eating disorder destroyed my life. What made me "strong" was my support team of doctors and friends. They made me want to be strong. Without these amazing people in my life I doubt I would be alive today.Especially my mom. She saved my life.

 I don’t know where I’m going to be in 6 months or even a year from now, but I’m alive and I'm working on it and that’s good enough for me.

So hey cut me some slack okay,

I just woke up.


  1. Audrey, I know we've been out of contact for a long time but I feel I have to say something. This is amazing. You should be really proud of yourself, as this is a huge step in the right direction. I sympathize with a fair bit of your writing and I think it's important you know that this project is bigger than helping yourself; this could be a life-saver for anybody in a similar or comparable situation or people who have gone through the same things. I struggled with medication problems for ADHD and OCD myself, however, in the opposite way many people do - I was recklessly over-prescribed and had a tough run for a while - I was empty and devoid of the passion and will to thrive that made me the person I used to be. I stopped playing sax, stopped DJing, stopped guitar; I stopped drawing, I stopped writing, I stopped dreaming. I'm still trying to find my old self, but I'm getting there. The fact that I just wrote that publicly actually probably says enough about the effect that brutal personal honesty such as yours can have on others that I don't need to continue this comment any further. The bottom line: keep up the good work, I can't wait to see your future posts.

  2. I am new here and I have to say that I love your writing.
